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Author Topic: California, There I Came!  (Read 1129 times)


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  • From the Rock of Chicago, almost live...
California, There I Came!
« on: June 18, 2004, 08:25:03 PM »
Let's turn back the clock to December 11, 2003:

Also, for an additional matter, I assume people are moved around in the TPIR audience if they show up for a taping of than one episode--yes? (Never had the pleasure of going out there myself--perhaps one of these days I'll be able to trek out there.)

And that "one of these days" was Tuesday, as part of a short but very sweet trip filled with lots of game-show connections.  The timing for everything couldn't have worked out better, and there are a number of members of this board that I have to thank for the great time that I had (so forgive a little name-dropping).

So that I don't make this long-winded up front, I'll try to give the high points only (and if anyone has questions on specifics, feel free to post or E-mail).

After flying in from Chicago to Los Angeles Sunday, I checked in at the hotel (and as my mission was to get to a TPiR taping, the hotel of choice was the Farmer's Daughter--props to Chris B. and MSTieScott for helping to point me in that direction).  Chris C. met me at the hotel and we went to Canter's, where we were joined by Randy.  To listen to the two of them just talk shop for a while was an absolute delight.

While I didn't do much related to the game show world Monday (other than watch the first six minutes of Monday's TPiR episode), it was Tuesday morning, 1:10AM, that the adventure began.  And there were already 15 people ahead of me!  From there, everything played pretty much as a previously posted primer suggested.  You can look for me in the second row of the September 23, 2004 episode (fourth show of season 33).  I'll be the one in the olive shirt, behind slot 4 in Contestant's Row.

Wednesday, I went to the Museum of TV and Radio in Beverly Hills.  For some reason, looking through the Archive selections--thanks, David Z. for clarifying that part of the collections for me--I was attracted to the pretty good amount of TONIGHT SHOW with Johnny Carson tapes available.  I'm not sure why I didn't peruse the game show selection more (although I had seen a few game show tapes on recent visits to the MTR in NY).  

Finally, Wednesday night was the book signing for Bad Grass Never Dies, the Chuck Barris sequel to Confessions (and a huge shout-out to Mike Klauss for posting about that--never would've known otherwise).  Chuckie was kind enough to answer a sort-of-inane question I had (but he used the opportunity to incorporate his standard reason for wearing hats over his eyes during GONG tapings).  And while getting his autograph was great, for me just being able to meet him and shake his hand was thrill enough (I was a huge GONG fan--as if you couldn't tell ;-) ).

Flew home yesterday--still buzzing about the last 3½ days.  My thanks to one and all who helped shaped this trip for me (my preparation was greatly enhanced by this board's existence and the great people [not just the ones I mentioned] who are on it).  Who knows--maybe I just might do this again.  And if you haven't had the opportunity, make the opportunity if possible.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2007, 09:04:56 PM by SRIV94 »
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)